Helping people to see better
29/05/2013 – Sri Lanka Red Cross Society Hambantota Branch has jointly conducted a spectacles donation program with YMBA Matara Branch on 27th May 2013.
The programme managed to donate 51 specttacale amoung 85 people.This program is conducting with a mutual agreement with the YMBA Matara Branch. Sri Lanka Red Cross Society Hambantota Branch is getting the support of the other organizations. The core areas of this program will be the members of the Red Cross Society & the community level in the Hambantota District. Up to now 04 such programmes have been conducted within the district. This will enhance the memberships of the branch & will help to go through the community level.
Similarly, an Eye donation programme with the support of the Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society Matara Branch was also conducted recently. By this event we were able to recruit 50 new members for branch team.