Capacity Building workshop for Volunteers

30/02/2014 – Batticaloa, Sri Lanka – The SLRCS Batticaloa Branch organized a two day workshop on Dissemination Capacity Building for Red Cross volunteers at the Branch conference hall, Batticaloa. Twenty-two young RC volunteers were trained and became Red Cross disseminators in the Batticaloa district.
SLRCS Batticaloa Branch carries out Red Cross Dissemination activities to the different segments of people such as community leaders, youths, schools, and its stakeholder with the support of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) through the SLRCS National Head Quarters. Various types of dissemination sessions are conducted to create awareness and knowledge about the Red Cross Movement, Humanitarian values and principles, Geneva convention, fundamental human rights etc.

Since the Batticaloa branch executes all the above sessions through the Branch Dissemination coordinator only who is eligible to conduct RC Dissemination; in the journey of the Way forward concept, it realizes the rationales for spreading the above Dissemination activities to every corner of the District.
The above challenges the Batticaloa Branch proposed for a workshop to create new Divisions level RC Disseminators by providing building their capacity on dissemination and developing core skills of them.
As a gift of the NHQ and our movement partner ICRC, the Batticaloa Branch was able to conduct the Dissemination Capacity Building workshop for RC Volunteers in the Batticaloa District on 26th and 27th of February 2014. It was a moment for Batticaloa Branch in building its volunteers’ capacity and continues their services through Red Cross.