International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


As the world’s largest humanitarian organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) provides assistance without discrimination based on nationality, race, religious beliefs, class, or political opinions.

Established in 1919, the IFRC comprises 186 member Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, along with a Secretariat in Geneva and over 60 strategically located delegations worldwide. Additionally, more societies are in formation. The Red Crescent symbol is used in many Islamic countries in place of the Red Cross.

Vision: Through voluntary action, we aspire to create a world of empowered communities better equipped to address human suffering and crises with hope, dignity, and equity.

Mission: We strive to improve the lives of vulnerable people by harnessing the power of humanity. Vulnerable individuals are those at greatest risk from situations threatening their survival or their ability to live with dignity and security, such as natural disasters, socio-economic crises, refugees, and health emergencies.

The IFRC carries out relief operations to aid disaster victims, complemented by development work to enhance the capacities of its member National Societies. Our work centers on promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health and community care.

The unique network of National Societies, covering almost every country worldwide, is the IFRC’s primary strength. Collaboration among National Societies enhances our ability to develop capacities and assist those in greatest need. At the local level, this network enables us to reach individual communities.

The IFRC Secretariat in Geneva coordinates and mobilizes relief assistance for international emergencies, fosters cooperation between National Societies, and represents them on the international stage. Field delegations support and advise National Societies on relief operations and development programs, while encouraging regional cooperation.

The IFRC, alongside National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), forms the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, united in our commitment to humanitarian action.

More information on the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies please visit their website