A day for humanity; celebrating World Red Cross Red Crescent Day in Sri Lanka
08/05/2014 – Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS) along with the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Sri Lanka and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) celebrated World Red Cross Red Crescent Day in participation of many activities at National Headquarter level and island wide through it branches.
The main event was organized under the auspices of the President of SLRCS Jagath Abeysinghe where the flags of the Red Cross were hoisted. Head of Delegation of IFRC in Sri Lanka Igor Dmitryuk, and the Head of Delegation of ICRC in Sri Lanka Cheriné Polline also hoisted their respective flags.
National Secretary of SLRCS Nimal Kumar, Chairman of Finance Commission Prasanna Dassanayake, Director General of SLRCS Tissa Abeywickrama, Deputy Director General of SLRCS Sudath Madugalle were also present at the event.
World Red Cross Red Crescent Day
World Red Cross Day is an international day that is dedicated to alleviating human suffering, upholding human dignity, protecting life, and aiding in emergencies and natural disasters such as flood, epidemics, and earthquakes. World Red Cross Day is meant to inspire, facilitate and also promote all humanitarian activities that are carried out by IFRC & ICRC and National Societies, which in Sri Lanka fall under the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society.
Every year 8th May is celebrated as World Red Cross Day to honor the International Red Cross Crescent Movement founder Henry Dunant, who was born on this day in 1828. National Societies that are affiliates to ICRC celebrates the World Red Cross Day in their countries to raise the need of protecting life. This event highlights international services such as the reunion of separated family members through the Red Cross.
Events in Sri Lanka
A Red Cross walk was organized by the SLRCS Youth wing, where student members of the Red Cross Junior Circles in schools around the Colombo districted engaged in a walk raising awareness of the work done by the Red Cross. Over 200 members, volunteers, students and officials took part in this event, which began from the National Headquarters of SLRCS and ended at the Lakshman Kadiragamar hall where a special event was held.